Tuesday, February 21, 2012

China mobile Internet still running in the narrow path.or

"This want to use their cellphones to access the Internet and sent down the toilet a boring time. Can the toilet all finished, the pages on the mobile phone hasn't opened." Netizens to illustrate the Internet phone "turtle speed".
The net friend and said, "there is always a few days each month, dare to use their phones to access the Internet". Especially in late January, in order to save the cost, there could be such dialogue: "come, you borrow my cell phone on let down the nets." Each other a hearty laugh: "mobile phone (flat-rate) flow and finished with it."
The domestic fixed-line broadband be exposed to the price high, slow speeds, a "true broadband" discussion, these days, about a Chinese cell phone connection speed "global penultimate" report and cause of hot debate.
Comic even sincere
South Korea is the cell phone Internet speeds in 28 times
Heat transfer of the online international authoritative organization GSMA (global mobile communication association) report shows, cell phone Internet speeds the slowest two countries are India and China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and other countries, mobile phones are faster speeds. By the end of 2010, China mobile Internet connection speed only average per second 50 Kbps (the equivalent of 6.25 KB/s). And the average speed of Japan and South Korea has reached 1400 Kbps per second (the equivalent of 175 KB/s), is our country's 28 times.
The report aroused net friend for a long time for the Internet phone "turtle speed" of discontent. Though there are also questioned net friend, but a web portal technology channel statistics, participants in the survey of 9821 netizen, 93% of the net friend agree "China mobile phone Internet speeds row in the second world".
The GSMA said in a report that relations between the two countries rapidly cell phone Internet development, according to the present rate, by 2015, China can be up to 1384 Kbps. "But it is still far behind in other countries-when South Korea will reach 4984 Kbps, Australia and New Zealand will reach 5194 Kbps."
Sure backward western developed country level
The GSMA the report is true reflects the present situation of Chinese mobile phone Internet access?
"China is the second is bad to say, but China certainly behind western developed country level." Easy to view think-tank analysts HuangMeng summary, China mobile phone connection speed slow mainly lies in the two: web page open slow; Data download slow, network data transmission is slow.
According to introducing, the report is based on data in 2010, the national statistics is limited. But China and India the whole issue 3 G (third generation mobile communication technology specifications) licence is late, mobile Internet user scale is less.
HuangMeng points out, "if just 2 G (the second generation mobile communication technology specifications) terms of speed, the report published by China mobile phone Internet speeds compared spectrum." In 2009, China's 3 G licences issued, the end of 2010, China's 3 G users to 30 million, accounts for less than 10% of total users, when most is 2 G users. Therefore, the data may reflect the 2 G Internet speed.
2 G, defined as with only call and some, like time date the transfer of mobile communication technology specifications. Our country 2 G speeds in 20 to 50 Kbps between Kbps, 3 G speeds of 100 Kbps to 200 Kbps in between.
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Experts say, China's 3 G licences issued late, the 3 G construction steps to keep up with the world. Telecom analyst FuLiang said other countries 3 G licences are made by 78, and our country to send down three years and are still doing a lot of basic construction work. "Like Japan some operators had stop 2 G services, we now user is main or in the 2 G."
China's 3 G users in the formal breakthrough 100 million people last year. But at present our country 3 G network coverage slant narrow, cannot satisfy the cellphone users of mobile Internet booming demand. Mobile Internet users most crowded in 2 G network, causing "nets blocking". At the same time, the city development speed between imbalance, jiangsu, guangdong, etc have to upgrade to the network faster EDGE (2 G network enhanced version), but some regions cover and blind spot.
This is China's unique caused by a strange phenomenon: the chase trendy consumers take the most fashionable advanced mobile phone, but enjoying the mobile Internet service was old, as open luxury cars driving on the muddy the country trails.
HuangMeng but also points out that, while China's mobile Internet speed in global rankings rely on, but the price is better than most countries and regions to the high price.
Have information, in 2010, the 3 G network data transmission capacity 3 GB $35, 5 GB capacity monthly charge $60; If use 4 G (fourth generation mobile communication technology specifications) network, 5 GB capacity monthly fees for $50 (according to the United Nations economic commission for Europe's 2011 report on display, the average American revenue of about $4240-the editor's note). But Japan economic news 21 days to report, the Japanese softbank phone company will launch 24, from this month 4 G phone communication services, where users can enjoy the download speed of up to 76 Mbps wireless service, monthly usage no upper limit, amount to RMB 300 yuan.
The Internet phone still running in the narrow path.or
Although the national and three big operators introduced some policies, such as cut the Internet phone charges, but FuLiang said: "the cell phone or the Internet was run in the narrow path.or, just little some traffic lights, need to enlarge the fundamental way problem was not solved."
The computer world, deputy director of the industry MaoQi surplus (the Po) points out, the special market supervision cause operators cloth nets life difficult. For example, he said in Beijing metro line 1, cannot use China unicom (the Po) 3 G network, because of the high cost of the approach to put operators. The construction of the base station to be an issue that there have been concerns about the radiation, forced demolition building roof of the base station operators-no base station, the network natural slowly, or no signal.
In addition, our country can be used to shunt data needs of construction progress WiFi still slow. MaoQi surplus points out, British telecom has deployed 2.8 million WiFi hotspot, China mobile (the Po) plans to deploy 1 million 2013 years ago a WiFi hotspot; China telecom (the Po) plan by the end of 2012, TianYi WiFi hot spots will from the current 300000 increased to 1 million; China unicom 2011 WiFi only cover 40000 house target is building.
FuLiang proposal, the competent departments of the needs of the business user data to a prospective, issue 4 G licences as early as possible, make use of the high speed Internet users soon more network, operators should speed up the construction of the WiFi hotspot shunt data flow requirements.
HuangMeng think, operators should enlarge the 3 G network covers, transparent mobile Internet package price: "at present our country mobile communications charges are each year to a proportion of 4% 5% of the decrease, as technology development and the price cut, the cost of the mobile Internet will more and more reasonable."
The net friend also called for more in: "break the monopoly, reduce fees, improve the service quality and speeds." According to xinhua news agency

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